Intelligence Versus Emotions: Are You Too Smart for Your Own Good?

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Managers and partners time and again tell me about employees and associates who are super intelligent and yet, are not candidates for promotion.   What’s holding them back? In every case, it boils down to communication issues. These folks always know the right answer, but they don’t know how to properly communicate it in a…

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Best Practices for Lawyer Managers: Managing People and Building a Practice

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Being a great manager of lawyers requires a lot more skill than legal knowledge and reasoning abilities.   Great leaders know how to motivate people to achieve goals over a sustained period.   This requires strong emotional intelligence skills as well as a keen understanding of each team member’s legal abilities and motivators.   I provide below some…

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How to Motivate Legal Teams to Success

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Being an effective law legal group leader whether in a corporation, a law firm, or the Government, requires specific skills.   Leading teams to accomplish goals under stressful circumstances requires these skills and a team commitment.  I provide below some of the essential traits that I learned from USPTO leaders and Directors. Is a legal…

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